In Pursuit Of Compensation For Auto Accident Victims
If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you may be wondering if you have a viable claim to recover money for medical bills and other expenses. The answer to that question depends on many factors. The threshold question is whether the driver of the other vehicle was negligent.
Negligence on the part of a driver can be shown in many ways. Did the driver violate a state law? For instance, did the driver run a red light or stop sign, or was the driver speeding? The negligent driver may have also failed to keep a proper lookout. Failing to keep a proper lookout is legal jargon for not paying attention or distracted driving.
Common Causes Of Auto Accidents in Texas
The Texas Department of Transportation estimates that as many as one in four collisions are caused by distracted driving. The most common examples of this are talking on a cellphone while driving and texting while driving. Cellphone use for talking and texting is not only a dangerous, distracted behavior that causes collisions but also prohibited by law in certain circumstances. Drivers under 18 years of age may not use a wireless device at all while driving. Drivers of any age may not use cellphones or other handheld wireless devices while driving through a school zone. Many jurisdictions in Texas ban texting while driving.
If you have been injured in a car accident by a negligent driver, you should consult with an attorney. With legal help, you may be able to recover money damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, as well as other damages, depending on the type and severity of your injury.
Auto Accidents Caused By Drunk Drivers
Injuries caused by drunk drivers are unfortunately not rare. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that three in 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related accident sometime during their life. A person that decides to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol is acting in a negligent manner. They are responsible, criminally and civilly, for any accidents they cause as a result of their actions.
An establishment (ex: bar or restaurant) that knowingly over serves a driver that injures another in an auto accident can also be held responsible in court. This provides the victim with another avenue to acquire just and fair compensation.
Email us or call 281-720-6881 to set up your free consultation and start recovering. We offer personal injury representation on a contingency basis.