Accidents involving semi trucks often have devastating consequences due to these vehicles' sheer size and weight. While a vehicle crash can result from various factors, semi truck crashes have unique causes. The truckers, trucking companies and how a truck's cargo is...
Representing Injured People
Year: 2023
When can a car accident lead to a wrongful death lawsuit?
Death is inevitable. However, if a loved one’s death is attributable to another party or entity’s unlawful actions, then it becomes a totally different story. Such death is deemed wrongful and the negligent party may be held liable for the resulting damages through a...
NHTSA could mandate recall of defective airbags as last resort
If you thought the problem of exploding airbags was resolved years ago, you’ll be surprised to learn that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has decided it’s time to take aggressive action against one airbag manufacturer that has thus far...
Which has more dangerous driving, the city or the country?
The type of driving that people are used to often helps to define what they think is safe and normal. If you’re used to driving on rural roads, you may like the simplicity and low traffic levels. This makes the rural roads feel safe and easy to navigate. If you’re...
How can pedestrians stay safe around cars?
Did you know that around 17% of all fatal accidents involve pedestrians? Each year, there are roughly 40,000 deaths due to traffic accidents, but not all of those individuals are in vehicles at the time. Pedestrians and cyclists also face major risks. Not only are...
Drunk drivers who kill parents will soon face more consequences
Certainly, nothing can undo the tragedy of losing a loved one to an impaired driver. However, thanks to the law, those responsible can face serious criminal charges and be held civilly liable by surviving loved ones. Now, under Texas law, those convicted of...
What is distracted driving?
Car accidents happen for many reasons. Many accidents are caused by drunk drivers and speeding and others are caused by user error. One of the most common reasons for auto accidents is distracted driving. Distracted driving occurs whenever a driver isn’t focused on...
Rural roads see a higher rate of fatal accidents
When someone gets behind the wheel for the first time, they will likely feel safest on a straight, empty road. This means that rural roads tend to feel comfortable and easy to navigate. City streets, which are much more complex and feature a lot more traffic, tend to...
Car accident liability for teenage drivers in Texas
Teenage drivers are usually excited to get their license and enjoy the freedom of the open road. However, due to their inexperience, accidents are sometimes likely. When a car accident involves a teenage driver, determining liability is crucial for the injured...
Understanding wrongful death vs. survival lawsuits
If a loved one has been killed in a crash caused by another driver, that driver may face criminal charges – for example, if they were driving drunk. Whether they do face charges or not, you can typically hold them civilly liable for expenses and other losses suffered...